In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?, from the Onion News Network, courtesy of Heather.
Genesis on Facebook, from College Humor, courtesy of Robin D.
In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?, from the Onion News Network, courtesy of Heather.
Genesis on Facebook, from College Humor, courtesy of Robin D.
Geek Pop Star, from New York Magazine, about Malcolm Gladwell.
What's the Matter With Greenwich?: Why the rich voted for Obama against their own economic interest, from Slate.
Obama the Political Entrepreneur, from
Preparing for the Obama Era: Bush Officials and President-Elect Working Together On Pressing Issues, from the Washington Post.
Secrets of the 2008 Campaign, from Newsweek.
Winkin', from Dooce.
Someone Should Have Warned Them, from Cato @ Liberty. "By almost every measure, government grew bigger, more expensive, and more intrusive under President Bush and the Republican Congress."
Keep Virginia Red, from Cato @ Liberty.
Palin Rap, from Saturday Night Live. I can't stop watching this!
The Boys on the Bus, from The Daily Beast, courtesy of Heather. "From Steve Schmidt's bad Karaoke performance to Dennis Kucinich's nut thievery, campaign reporters share their best—and most hilarious—memories from the trail."