

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?, from the Onion News Network, courtesy of Heather.

Genesis on Facebook, from College Humor, courtesy of Robin D.


Secrets of the 2008 Campaign, from Newsweek.

Winkin', from Dooce.

Someone Should Have Warned Them, from Cato @ Liberty. "By almost every measure, government grew bigger, more expensive, and more intrusive under President Bush and the Republican Congress."



Keep Virginia Red, from Cato @ Liberty.

Palin Rap, from Saturday Night Live. I can't stop watching this!

The Boys on the Bus, from The Daily Beast, courtesy of Heather. "From Steve Schmidt's bad Karaoke performance to Dennis Kucinich's nut thievery, campaign reporters share their best—and most hilarious—memories from the trail."


Sorry, Fido, It’s Just a Guy Thing, from The New York Times, courtesy of Robin. This is about cats and the straight men who love them. :)


Sarah Palin Gender Card, from The Daily Show.

Bristol Palin's Choice, from The Daily Show.


A Cure For Real Estate Amnesia, from NPR.

Cokie: Hawaii Too Foreign For Obama, from Talking Points Memo, courtesy of Josh.

Reviewed: Dave Zabriskie’s Nuts, from FatCyclist.com.

Large Hadron Rap, from YouTube, courtesy of Ed.

On the road looking for typos: Grammar-conscious pals set signs straight, from The Boston Globe, and Vandals in Hot Water for 'Fixing' Typo on Historic Grand Canyon Sign, from Fox News, both courtesy of Ed.

Redesigning the Stop sign, from YouTube, courtesy of Jennifer.


Bacon Mania, from Salon, courtesy of Eugene.


So You Wanna Be An Olympian, by Kathryn Bertine, from ESPN. Great series -- will be expanded and published as a book next spring.

A must-read. An Open Letter to CyclingNews.com, from Fat Cyclist. Fatty's commentary on a particularly exciting stage of the 2005 TdF kicks CyclingNews.com's ass.



Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, from The New York Times.

Putting Meat Back in Its Place, from The New York Times.


RefundPlease.com helps you get refunds on Amazon purchases when the price has dropped within 30 days after purchase.


What's in a Last Name?, from The New York Times.


Confessions of a Readaholic, from YouTube, courtesty of Heather.


The Uneven Playing Field, on the higher rates of injury in girls' sports, from The New York Times.


OPEN LETTER (to people who push their dogs in strollers), from Mighty Girl.


An Engineer's Guide to Cats, from YouTube, courtesy of my sister.


Practicing Patients, from The New York Times. The intersection of Web 2.0 and pharmaceuticals.

Tabby Road, from I Can Haz Cheezburger.


Cribs with Louis XVI, from YouTube.

Awareness Test, from YouTube, courtesy of every cyclist I know.

Clinton's tepid response to Ferraro is shameful, from MSNBC, courtesy of Alison.


Kitty co-pilot, courtesy of Kris.


Humour: Tips for Becoming a Roadie, from Bike Radar (by the Fat Cyclist).

This Explains a Lot, from Subway Knitter. This post is about the Mittens of the Beast.

Daniel Wasserman's editorial cartoons, from The Boston Globe.


Hawaii on a Dime, from The New York Times.


Iceland on the Daily Show, courtesy of Brad, who confirms that the translations are accurate. Deserter Storm Part 1 and Part 2.



LibriVox, free audio books in the public domain.