Trained by Inmates, New Best Friends for Disabled Veterans, from The New York Times.
830! How a Massachusetts carpenter got the highest Scrabble score ever, from Slate, courtesy of Alison.
Obama's New Rules: In the past 10 days, he has turned American politics upside down, from Slate.
Master of the Island: Which country is the best colonizer?, from Slate.
Borat Tricked Me! Can't I sue him or something?, from Slate.
Stephen Colbert Has America by the Ballots, from the New York Metro.
How to make a bike charger for your iPod, from Geek Technique.
A Secret Society, Spilling a Few Secrets, from The New York Times.
Sisterly love a complex knot, from USA Today, courtesy of Robin.
Where the Rubber Meets Roe: The pro-life case for contraception, from Slate.
Lewis and Clark: Stop celebrating. They don't matter, from Slate.
Rep. Mark Foley, IM Jockey, from Slate.
GI Jesus: The real problem with military chaplains, from Slate.