Trick and Treat: Sammy Alito is the whole bag of goodies, from Slate.
Scooter Who? How Bush will deal with the Libby indictment, from Slate.
Hands Across Catholic America: Should churchgoers hold hands during Mass?, from Slate.
A Long, Rocky Road With 39 Months to Go, from The New York Times.
Niger-Scooter-Plame-Gate: The bewildering scandal of the moment, from Slate.
My Year of Hurricanes: Calculating the good things that came out of Katrina, from Slate.
The Novak Report: When the Plame indictments come down, the columnist will have a lot to explain, from Slate.
Hear Me, Hear Me: The case of the year that the Supreme Court may duck, from Slate.
A Slate Soldier Goes to War: Arriving in a Combat Zone, from Slate.
The Brontosaurus: Monty Python's flying creationism, from Slate.
When Good Strips Go Bad, Doonesbury strips from Slate. "Harriet, we hardly knew ye. The following week of strips on the planned confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers were intended for publication beginning Monday, October 31st."
Flemish wife calls Walloon spouse "lazy," arrested, from Reuters courtesy of Josh.
Hijab Chic: How retailers are marketing to fashion-conscious Muslim women, from Slate.
You Knit What??, courtesy of Miyon.
Comparing Extremists: On the question of who's more out of the mainstream, the conventional wisdom is dead wrong, from The American Prospect, courtesy of Rachel.
Water From a Stone: In which Scott McClellan actually admits something!, from Slate.
A Slate Soldier Goes to War: The Things He Carried, from Slate. A Slate Soldier Goes to War:The Ups and Downs of Preparing for War, from Slate.
Grim milestone for U.S. military in Iraq, from The Boston Globe, courtesy of Mark A.
Iraqi death toll much higher than U.S., from The Boston Globe, courtesy of Mark A.
McDonald's to Add Facts on Nutrition to Packaging, from The New York Times.
Ivory Tower Intrigues: The pseudo-meritocracy of the Ivy League, from Slate.
Cheap: It's Chic, but Is It Good?, from The New York Times.
He's Having a Baby: And needs a stroller pronto, from Slate.
Dr. Atomic: An opera about the moral complexities of Hiroshima, from Slate.
My Big Fat 80's Bar Mitzvah, from The New York Times, courtesy of Rachel.
Protecting the Presidential Seal. No Joke, from The New York Times, courtesy of Rachel.
The Colbert Factor: The Daily Show's senior bloviator gets a desk of his own, from Slate.
Makeup Test: A questionnaire Harriet Miers can answer, from Slate.
Prez Iraq team fought to squelch war critics, from the New York Daily News, courtesy of Josh.
Caution: Student Driver: Can I learn how to drive a stick shift?, from Slate.
Who Is Scooter Libby?: The secretive Cheney aide at the heart of the CIA leak case, from Slate.
What's the Deal With Tom DeLay's Mug Shot?: Why doesn't it have numbers on it?, from Slate.
History of the World, Part 2: Jewish conspiracy theory: the satire, from Slate.
Where's My Avian Flu Shot?: How to ramp up vaccine production, from Slate.
Former Powell Aide Says Bush Policy Is Run by 'Cabal', from the New York Times, courtesy of Rachel.
The Harriet Miers Blog, courtesy of Alison.
Silent Night? Holy Crap! Tom and Katie's scary Scientology birth plan, from Slate, courtesy of Alison.
Item: Sisters Think Parents Did O.K., from The New York Times, courtesy of Robin and Rachel.
Meet the Life Hackers, from The New York Times, courtesy of Rachel.
Doomsday: The Latest Word if Not the Last, from The New York Times, courtesy of Mark A.
Chewie to Become U.S. Citizen, from Cinescape News, courtesy of Rachel.
Britain's Secret Service Indeed! Spy on It on Its Web site, from The New York Times, courtesy of Brad.
Don't Look Now... Here comes inflation, from Slate.
Miers and Brimstone: Let's stop pretending there's no religious test for nominees, from Slate.
Kid Power: Let's use it to fight the flu, from Slate.
No Gifts, from Bobke Strut.
All the President's Hacks: The New Republic makes a list, from Slate.
The Miers Test: You're a senator who wants to run for president. Do you dare oppose Bush's nominee?, from Slate.
How Are Nobel Prizes Awarded?, from Slate.
Say What?: Bush's speech was a sad, demoralizing spectacle, from Slate.
Do Dogs Think?: Owners assume their pet's brain works like their own. That's a big mistake, from Slate.
So, You Want to Be a Beer Vendor... How concessionaires make a living, from Slate.
Weaving Yarns In Cyberspace, from CBS News.
Me Against My Students: How I use the Internet to combat plagiarists, fabulists, and cheaters, from Slate.
An Open Letter to Assos, from Fat Cyclist.
Lance Armstrong's Endurance Tested By Sheryl Crow Concert, from The Onion.
How I Made a Carbon Fiber Bike in My Garage, by Damon Rinard.
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers, from the BBC, courtesy of Josh.
The October Surprise: It's your home heating bill, 70 percent higher than last year's, from Slate.
Author Nathaniel Fick: One Bullet Away, from WBUR's Here and Now.
Best Show on Earth, from Dooce.
Weeks Later, Most Storm Victims Lie Unnamed, from The New York Times.
Eminent Domain Revisited: A Minnesota Case, from The New York Times.
Slowing Is Seen in Housing Prices in Hot Markets, from The New York Times.
How to Succeed in Cyclocross Without Really Trying, from Kerry Litka's web diary.
Worth linking to again: Stuff on My Cat.
Miers' Qualifications Are 'Non-Existent', from Human Events (by Pat Buchanan), courtesy of Mark A.
Esquire wikis article on Wikipedia, from, courtesy of Heather.
Treasures Amidst the Trash, from the American Enterprise, courtesy of Heather.
Abortion Might Outgrow Its Need for Roe v. Wade, from The New York Times.
Reimbursement Program for Troops Stalls, from The New York Times.
A Scholar Tackles the Wash, from The New York Times.
Are McMansions Going Out of Style?, from The New York Times.
Smooth Ride, from the MIT Media Lab, courtesy of Tad. "The colored-on map below represents the bumpiness of the streets of Cambridge."